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Showing posts from June, 2021

Investigating Black Holes - The 2020 Nobel Prize Winners

 To earn my place at the University of Leeds I have been asked to complete an assignment on the science and importance of a Nobel Prize discovery. It was daunting at first trying to attempt this piece of work (the three page project brief was enough to make me eyes water) and yet I soon enjoyed picking out my articles, reading them then turning my shorthand attempts into this essay. Happy reading! Black holes have captured the public’s imagination and inspired a wave of Sci-fi science: from Interstellar to Doctor Who, the black hole is deemed as key to human time travel through the warping of space time. Despite seeming fantastical, the 2020 Physics Nobel Prize winners Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez could bring us a step closer to this improbable reality and provides further evidence for Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity. As a science geek myself, I’m fascinated by the future of space and having the opportunity to further delve into its discoveries was not one to be missed. ...